[Regular dealer] Masterpiece Golf Cap Master-Piece Golf CAP Golf Cap Hat Cotton Cotton Cotton Water-Cotton-Caster Size Adjustment Logo Black White Brand Men's Ladies 312000
[Product dimensions]
Size (mm)
Approximately 510-640
About 120
Length about 70
Heavy (g)
About 100
* The size will be the notation of MM units.
* The size is the actual size value.
* Some individual differences will occur depending on the product.
Outer fabric: 20 Chinostric Nano-Wing (95%cotton, 5%polyurethane)
Size (mm)
Approximately 510-640
About 120
Length about 70
Heavy (g)
About 100
* The size will be the notation of MM units.
* The size is the actual size value.
* Some individual differences will occur depending on the product.
Outer fabric: 20 Chinostric Nano-Wing (95%cotton, 5%polyurethane)